Blob Tracking Solution

Many of my interactive projection ideas look like light on a black background, but I often want to incorporate blob tracking. The problem is how do I project white/light lines when light is needed to illuminate the things that become blobs? 

Voila! UV light can illuminate objects in the almost-dark. I tested play-doh on a satin-like (shiny) cheap party table cloth. The flashlight stands in for a projected light. It’s visible on the black and can be keyed out to avoid blob detection.

I also found some interesting things can be done with making blobs appear and disappear with the additional white light, so that’s a possibility for experiments.

The last two images show what it looks like without UV lighting.

See it on Instagram.

Play-Doh in Black Light

If other colors of Play-Doh do this, I’m having a Play-Doh area in this idea.

I don’t want people to just see the effects of different light, I want them to do simple tasks in different lighting conditions to see how crazy vision is. Try solving a Rubik’s cube in red light. Try coloring a coloring book in green light. Write secret messages in white light that appears only in blue and UV light. Stuff like that.

See it on Instagram.

Update: All the Play-Doh I tested glows in UV light, even if the container or lid does not.