Scenes from Hocking Hills State Park Headquarters

Went to the Hocking Hills State Park after hearing they opened an interactive section and cave. 

It’s not digital interaction like I was thinking (outside of a touchscreen and one old school light switch to show a bat), but places to touch and climb. 

I like how the tree displays continue overhead and there are real tree examples. The cave had UV flashlights revealing facts about the Old Man’s Cave – many that required moving the flashlight or a second person with another flashlight. Kids can peek and reach through the holes. Even seating was built in.

On the second floor, there was a mock trail to climb/walk with common dangers. Those who climb on it are rewarded with more facts through windows to the back of another display. I bumped my head trying to climb through the window. The mock trail even had fake ice!

I love how the designers tried to incorporate or hide needed structural and infrastructure elements like pipes and vents.

They had a step stool for small kids (often missing at many smaller museums) so they could do rubbings of leaves and take them home.

There was seating everywhere!

The touchscreen would have been better with audio or video or interaction other than touch. You have to be so close to touch the screen, that you can’t see the third window popup. Also, you can’t close the window if you’re too short.

The last photo is part of the outdoor balcony. As someone who would crawl and climb if I was more physically able to, these large ledges are safer for people who do that kind of risky behavior. 

Overall, this is one of the better interactive educational spaces I’ve seen at a state park and other small places.

AR Poster Project: HP Reveal Testing

AR testing for a poster project. Despite the limitations on file size, you can Harry Potter a piece of paper!

Made with HP Reveal and After Effects. The videos are recordings of Detroit: Become Human from my purposeful gameplay report.


This is a photo of the target image:

Adventures in Unity & Vuforia: Simple Simon AR Fails Test

I set up Simple Simon in AR using Vuforia. Here is one of the failure types.

Adventures in TouchDesigner: Stayin’ Alive

This is what color a person would look like if they successfully keep to the beat of Staying Alive while pushing toward the Kinect. (This was me just moving around for a screenshot). It was a weird idea to get players to subconsciously move in a pushing/forward direction to the right speed when they hear/think of the song to help with hands-only CPR compressions. In the end, it’s a challenging weird dancing workout game.

The best part was finding a way to have the score go up or down depending on if you are staying with the beat.

I used a switch CHOP where Index 0 was -1 and Index 1 was 1. When the player met the requirements to gain a point, a math CHOP would turn on a logic CHOP to 1. This controlled the switch CHOP. This switch was hooked up to the increment input of the scoring count CHOP so for each success, it added 1 and for each fail, it added -1.

I’ll soon make a tutorial showing this process since it seems useful for some games.

08/12/18 Update:

I made the game too sensitive when hands are detected as open and the toggle to turn on the hands once closed is not sensitive enough. I’m changing this project into a random dancing game for entertainment and exercise.

The TouchDesigner TOX file can be downloaded here.

Adventures in TouchDesigner: Wave

Wave is the project I decided to make my main project for the independent study I took to attend the AR Workshop.

Built with only TouchDesigner, the game was basically Simon, but used body detection and location of your open waving hand on top of color and sound. The player sees a moving orb with a trail when they wave their hand that follows their hand and a randomized one during the prompts.

Here are some posts showing my progress when working on the game:

July 14: Feedback Orbs

Getting closer to my final project idea. I’m getting more familiar with SOPs and just discovered some of the image filters that had better results than when I tried to do it from scratch. This movement is from noise, but I’ll be mapping it to hand movements and the color to starting hand position. Then, I have to set up the Simon system I’ve built in another program (Unity)/language (C#) and add more randomness. Oh, and add sound. If I get 4 colors to work in time, I’m going to do my original idea that uses a full octave.

July 14, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

July 15: Hello

Switched over from working with numbers to a possible intro. My original idea was called “Wave” because that would be the only instructions. I wanted people to curiously wave to start the game. Having this “hello” too large made me have to wave back and forth as if I were saying hello. I might keep it. The other stuff here I was testing was on/off controlled by opening/closing your hand and hand position determines color.

July 15, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

After some testing in TouchDesigner and writing out the logic in text, here is my sloppy attempt at sketching out my final project idea – at least a portion of the “set up” part. I still need to learn how to get the what I want from the user in a way that only updates when I want instead of constantly. Then, I’ll have to make a “game over” and failure part (maybe multiple ones like my Unity 3D version). Why did I choose this as my project???? 

July 15, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

July 17: More Testing

Testing audio. If you look hard enough, you can see me waving in the background to make the colors appear and sound play. Note: as per my style, there is no “off.” It’s just a black sphere moving and non-playing audio “playing.” Second note: this is creepy AF when you forget you have it on in the background. 

July 17, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

The video used for the sound can be seen here.

July 20

My Wave game so far. The top part is player audio/video control and the bottom is the logic to choose random numbers for the setup. I now have to have an audio/ video control for the setup and a system that has triggers between turns.

The weirdest part about working in #touchdesigner is how it handles switches. I’m used to thinking of switches as decision trees that go to the right onto separate paths. Here, I have options that go into a switch, then it later is used.

July 27: Updates

Making progress! Now, to make “win” “fail” “start” scenes and put it all together. I still need to test with taller people.

Note: I later remade some parts to be more efficient. I challenged myself with this project to use just the nodes and as little scripting as possible.

July 28

July 29: Trigger System

I’m not sure if I’m doing this right (since I’m weirdly stubborn about not watching tutorials), but it works and others might benefit… I needed multiple triggers to pulse the same CHOP and wanted something more understandable than a bunch of dotted lines. So I made Math CHOPs combine the output of my main reset triggers into a [probably unnecessary] logic CHOP and THAT is what pulses the CHOP.

NOTE: I know there are ways to do this in a script using Python and an editor, but I’m challenging myself to make this thing by clicking and dragging and modifying parameters to get my brain to think of programming logic in a visual way after decades of using text/coding.

July 30: Better Orbs

I needed to make my orbs look more like what was in my head, so I’m experimenting with a replacement. I was able to use the color/number system already in my game to adjust the colors and needed changes in blur for the Feedback Edges effect.

I put the values into switches so that the index corresponded with the color, then merged them and used those channels as reference in the Feedback Edges parameters. Worked better than I thought.

I later consolidated all those switches into this – WAY better:

July 31: Wave Intro

Finished the intro on July 31 that I started working on during the AR workshop. (This is a sped up video.) The player waves their hand and the ball tracks to it. Waving a few times triggers a change in the Feedback Edges effect and a timer changes it back.

Thanks to Owen LoweryKellye Blosser, and Jake Morgan for your help and feedback!

The TouchDesigner TOX file for the intro can be downloaded here.

Adventures in TouchDesigner: Audio Reactive Spheres (Video)

I was picturing this much closer to my face and wooing at the ball was like blowing away a balloon with static that keeps bringing it back.

July 25, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

I had another song I was using to test, but I thought this song was more appropriate and it made WAY better visuals. This is the same as the last, but with a particle SOP and the Feedback Edges effect added. The song is “The Sound of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel. Link used for music:

July 25, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

Same setup different parameters and particle SOP removed. The song is “The Sound of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel. Link used for music:

July 25, 2018 Instagram Post | See it here

The TouchDesigner TOX file can be downloaded here.

08/12/18 Update: 

The more I work with the second style, the more I think it would be cool to use it for relaxation, a loading screen, etc. I will upload better recordings of different songs in a new post soon.

Adventures in TouchDesigner: Voice Control

I had to get out another cell phone to send my voice to record this. The delay from the voice-to-text is annoying, but manageable. Made with PHP, MySQL, and TouchDesigner.

I saw work by Owen Lowery and Trip Venturella and thought of a project to do at the hotel I will be staying at that would work best with voice control. I tried to think of a way to make this happen with what I already know with the Web DAT section of Owen’s Generative Tweet project.

See it on Instagram.

The TouchDesigner TOX file can be downloaded here.

Adventures in Unity 3D: Vector3.Lerp()

A version of this post originally appeared in the Created section of a 365 Notebook project for July 6, 2018.

This is a continuation of both experimenting with Vector3.Lerp() in Unity 3D and figuring out some reset options in the Simple Simon game I’m using to develop a Simon game system for my AR Independent Study final.

See it on Instagram.

Adventures in Unity 3D: In Plain Sight

I wanted to create an idea from a dream that involved having an AR trigger that required the user to use sliders in the correct pattern to reveal a message. I want to use this idea in an ARG someday.

This was more complicated than I thought it would be – instead of just using a standard shader and tying the slider value to its alpha, I had to create my own custom shader and use SetFloat().

The textures are movie textures I created in TouchDesigner. This was reposted by @TouchDesigner.

Because it frustrated me so much, I created this tutorial:

How to create varying transparency shaders

Adventures in Unity 3D & Vuforia: Simple Simon

Worked on some fails for this Simon game I’m working on to get an idea of the structure needed for my final for the independent study.

See it on Instagram.

Adventures in Unity 3D & Vuforia: Dream Pandas AR

I had an odd dream and decided to recreate it in Unity 3D and Vuforia. The game doesn’t have “I love you” on the heart, but it was there in my dream, so I added it to the target image.

Download Dream Pandas AR here!

Haunted Haning Intro

I decided to turn the Haunted Haning photos into an interactive walkthrough with Unity 3D.

Here is the intro I’m working on, also made in Unity 3D:

Here are some GIFs of a walkthrough: